Tuesday, October 31, 2017

As the days lengthen...

...the frost strengthens, as the cheerful Scottish saying goes. And indeed it does. After a night of freezing temperatures and hail on Sunday I looked out to discover my early daffodils drooping with the frost. I'm waiting to see how resilient they're going to be.

The quad of Edinburgh University's Old College looks Christmas-cardish in the snow. And what's that little disturbance slightly to the left of centre?

A mini snow...Martian?

All in all, the snow is an excuse for that savoury Scottish morning pick-me-up - a bacon or sausage roll.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Busy Week

This week I am visiting Kenosha. While there, I was able to visit with a high school friend that I had not seen in many, many years. Was good to reconnect.
Have been visiting my mom. Yesterday I was out on the bike for a ride. Rode from her apartment North into Racine. When I got done, just over 15 mile ride. Took a few photos that my show up on a future calendar.
Later this morning, I am planning to ride the Kenosha lake shore.
Have not blogging much, because there is no internet in the apartment. First thing in the morning I drive to Panera Bread to check my e-mail, facebook, etc. Suffering a bit from withdrawal.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


I saw old autumn in the misty morn

Stand shadowless like Silence,


to silence

Thomas Hood. 1799-1845. Ode to Autumn.

I got up before six this morning to let the dogs and cats out. I sat on the wall and daydreamed, while the cats ate their food - my function being to stop the dogs from edging the cats out and then gobbling their food.

All seemed still and quiet, but when I analysed the silence I heard several different bird calls, the sound of the river across the road (overlaid by the sound of the aeration pump working at the trout farm!) the sudden, panicked squawking of a startled pheasant, the crowing of a village cockerel, something was making a racket some distance away, possibly one of the peacocks from the Watermill, the wind was rustling the upper leaves of the big ash tree - though rather strangely not the others, and then, somewhat closer to home, the sounds of two dogs struggling to contain themselves as they watched the cats tuck in to breakfast! I took pity on them and brought them back inside for their tasty treat of a little liver and a handful of dog meal.

After a quick cup of tea I decided to take Toby along to the watermill to see whether we could find out what had been making the noise.

As we passed the entrance to the trout farm - and sure enough the aeration pump was bubbling up - I looked away to the right and along the old railway line and to my surprise there was Mr Peacock doing his best to look invisible as he hurried back into cover. I wonder whether he is an escapee?

We continued under the old bridge and along the road and there was the most wonderful sight (though the trout farm may not agree) of a field of prehistoric-looking grey herons. They took fright when they saw Toby and I and we were treated to the amazing view of probably two or three dozen herons taking off. I tried to take a photograph but failed miserably. Sorry.

The watermill was looking as lovely as ever, even on a dull morning. The birds and the wallaby were getting pretty excited because someone was making the rounds with their breakfast. I took a photograph - but as I had forgotten to take my specs with me it was very much a point and click and hope for the best...

the wallaby is on the right-hand side,top third, to the left of the fencepost, his head is light against the dark entrance of his shelter. I wonder whether he ever dreams about the day he escaped and came to visit us before hopping off to the trout farm.

Toby and I strolled back through the field, the barley has all gone and just the straw remains, waiting for the baler.

As we approached the little side gate to our garden we were met by the sight

of Sparky and Bennie enjoying a play-fight while they waited for us.

This is the harvest for today - more spinach soup to be made for freezing, runner beans to be prepared for the freezer, and the odds and ends for tea. Thankfully the courgettes, although still plentiful, are slowing down.

The addition of a couple of lovely sharp cooking apples to the spinach soup recipe really does work. I can fully understand why your Pa became addicted to spinach soup when he worked in Germany. With the addition of crusty bread, or garlic bread if I am spoiling him, it becomes a meal in itself, especially if it has had some parmesan cheese added!

We have 8 litres, so far, in the big freezer in the summerhouse. That takes some preparation and chopping - thank goodness for blenders, at least I didn't have to push it all through a big sieve the way we had to all those years ago, when I learned to make soup at school. Isn't it funny how some things can transport you instantly back in time..

Talking of time, I must get on and do a few jobs. It was fantastic talking to you this morning. Good to know that you are enjoying teaching. Do your friends all cycle to work too? Look after yourself.

Much love,



Monday, October 23, 2017

Encouraging Words

"Don't let life discourage you. Everyone who got where he is had to start where he was." Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Even though I don't agree with Emerson's theology (he was a Unitarian), he did say wise things from time to time.
I took this photo inside an Amish farmer's market looking out the window at two children on a wagon filled with boxes of produce. The market is in East Tennessee close to my parents' house. I had to sneak around and take pictures since the Amish are camera shy. That was fun!

Ginkgo biloba

The changing leaves of fall.

Friday, October 13, 2017

An Afternoon in my Life

Here's how I'm spending a rainy afternoon in Georgia.
Avoiding the housecleaner by hanging out in my studio
Listening to the rain on the tin roof of the studio
Reading new blogs
Drinking a mixture of sweet tea and Monavie
Packing a bag for my watercolors to use in the mountains next week
Wanting to go eat another delicious eggroll made by Laurel
Feeling the breeze made by the ceiling fan
Admiring the new curtain just hung on the door of the studio I made out of an old, white sheet
Looking forward to curling up under a flannel quilt on the couch with the 7th Outlander book
Dreading going out in the rain to take my car in for repairs
Anticipating nodding off over said Outlander book and taking a snooze
So I'd better go in the house and eat that eggroll, read that book, and take that nap. Toodles!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Creative Outsourcing

Hmm, there's something different about the office this morning...

I think they've brought in some outside contractors.

"Umm, your drawings may be a little late...

... we kind of had an incident."

I guess he heard there would be no bonus this Christmas.
This happened at an office in Birmingham today. Raccoons really did pee on the drawings and poop all over the desks. Animal control wouldn't come, since the racoons were indoors. Did you know that private critter control starts at about $450 per hour?!
(I didn't take these photos - Hubby's co-workers sent them to him.)

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Gray Sunset over Iceberg Bay

Last night's sunset looked promising for good color right up until the sun went down. Just as the sun was going down the clouds moved in and cancelled the chance of any colorful sky. Still, I found a nice shoreline to photograph and had lots of fun viewing the ice and watching these icebergs roll around in the waves.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Choosing a Miracle

"There are only two ways to live your life; One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein
And all the difference in the world is in the choosing.

Pilgrim's Inn-One More Quote

"Hilary always found it impossible to look at a candle flame and remain gloomy. The shape of it, like tapering hands held palm to palm in faithful prayer, the wavering yet hopeful fight against the darkness, its tiny loving glow of warmth. It was no wonder that Mother church, all down the ages, has had such a passion for lighting candles."

I remember going into one of the side chapels in a European cathedral and finding a stand holding many tea light candles. Not being Catholic, I hesitated to light any, but I overcame my reluctance and lit one for each of our five children saying a prayer for each child as their individual candle was lit. It was a reverent, touching moment for me, and I'm so glad I didn't listen to my fearful self.

In these long winter nights, I light candles throughout the house; ones that smell like the winter. Balsam, Pumpkin Spice, and Apple Vanilla. I do look forward to Spring coming but will miss the coziness of winter after all.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Bishop Again

Bishop Again, originally uploaded by ParsecTraveller.

Here's a view up the trail on Bishop Peak taken a few weeks ago during a period of stormy weather. The mountain's chaparral is getting nice and green.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

But Can You Guess What I Am?

Well here we are at the Pumpkin Patch!
We are with grandpeep and she's delighted to find a funny joke here hehehee!
Meanwhile, I'm finding a zillion different scents and am investigating.
Sierra Rose, of course, has joined us and is already trying to demolish grandpeep's choice of pumpkin.
Ma, meanwhile, is trying to see if her pumpkin template of me will work on this particular gourd. Can you figure out what I'm going to be for Halloween yet?
Okay... now you should be able to figure it out!My costume!

And now, some fun while checking out. I will be taking a vacay with my pawrents (finally, I get to go!) next week. Look forward to seein' ya all after the first of November - woohoo! Have a great Howloween! (Oh! Answer to the joke? "I'm vine thank you" - hahahahaha!)