Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Summer Fun and a New Quote

It's been a busy summer so far. Last week I was at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, North Carolina for a week of intense classes in digital photography. We learned how to operate in full manual mode and how to use Photoshop. I learned tons; some of which was over my head. I may write more about that later.
But for today, I only want to quote from a book I'm reading by Elizabeth Goudge called The Scent of Water. I've always loved her writings. The stories are always good. She really develops her characters in a very slow, English village sort of way just like I like them. Here's the quote: "If you understand people, you're of use to them whether you can do anything tangible for them or not. Understanding is a creative act in a dimension we do not see."
I believe it's an act of love to really listen and understand another person. When we do this for another, it's a precious gift. I pray to be able to love with Christ's love and to be able to understand and appreciate my fellow human travelers as we journey together through this life.

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