Friday, November 30, 2007

A Good Deed Done

Today I scavenged through my pantry and freezer and came up with three bags of food for our local food bank.
Laurel sent out an e-mail yesterday about how there was a shortage of food to give away and encouraged all the woman in our church to take food by.  
I took her nudge to heart and took Darcie and her BFF to help.  Not that I needed it.  I just thought it would be good for them to serve others during this holiday season.  
I talked to the man who runs the place.  He said that it's a volunteer organization open every day to the public (not sure about Sunday).  People needing food are sent to the food bank with vouchers from other organizations around town such as Red Cross, Children and Family Services, etc.  They have already determined that they are truly needy.  
It's good to have organizations like that to assist the poor and needy.  How much better it would be if the local churches were in charge instead of the government.  Our church certainly does it's part to show the love and compassion of Christ all year round.  I'm very thankful for our deacons who do such a good job.
Maybe Darcie and I will volunteer up there some this coming year.  I think it'd be great for the both of us to serve others more.  I know I'll be making regular drop-offs of food.  How hard will it be to buy a little more each time I grocery shop and then take it to the food bank?

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