Sunday, January 20, 2008

2 Weeks off the Bike

Since return from Albuquerque, the weather has not been conducive to bicycle riding (guess it was not good in Abq, either). Yesterday I got out to check the snow covered dirt trails at Lake Manawa. Temperature was just about freezing and filtered sunshine.
As you can see from the photo here, there has been a snowmobile through the West side - no surprise, happens every year. Lots of walkers along the river. No bicycle tracks. The snow was frozen hard which makes rough riding. Riding my hardtail, wishing I was riding the Fuel EX7!
Tried to ride the singletrack. There were only a couple footprints. The crusty snow made it just too much work to try riding.
Going to get sloppy riding with the snow melt - 40s over the weekend, climbing into the 50s middle of next week. But it will sure be nice!

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