Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Twin Falls, Springbrook

Since it's been a while between posts, and since I didn't do a great deal last weekend as a result of a flood, I'm going to post some pictures here from a day out at Springbrook a few weeks ago. This was a little while before last weekend's downpour, so I imagine things look completely different up there now. For the record, yes I did ride up the mountain that day, as I always do. The great thing about being able to ride to a place like Springbrook is that just locking the bike up for an hour and continuing on foot can allow one to access another world.

Although it's obscured in this shot, there is a decent swimming hole at the bottom of Twin Falls. Even on the hottest day (which is rare at Springbrook), the water in that pool is absolutely freezing, it's a very effective way to cool down (and more) after riding up the mountain. It is actually possible to paddle to the far side of the pool and sit right under the falls themselves, but it's probably not a good idea to stay there very long.

I have a much greater epic planned for this weekend, and the recent rain should make things very interesting.

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