Saturday, July 26, 2008


I thought I would let you meet our nearest neighbours. They live right across the road.

This pond was only created a couple of years ago, but already it is beginning to look pretty settled.

Normally the pond is busy with ducks, geese, herons, even swans drop by occasionally.

The little river is called 'Great Eau' and it runs through the trout farm nearby and then on to the beautiful Claythorpe Watermill, before meandering away.

It has lots of fish in it - although none were visible today.

Obviously I had remembered to take my camera today - when I arrived there was just one pair of ducks. By the time I had sorted out the camera they had flown off! Camera shy, I suppose.

Toby and I met one of our other close neighbours - John, from next-door-but-one. He is probably in his 90's, very recently widowered, and a nice man to chat with.

He was in the field when we got there, taking photographs and admiring the colour of the tree foliage. The number of sheep in the field was 41. I know this because John told me.

He has worked on farms since the late 1930's, working with animals. He spent many years as a farm manager, with a dairy herd of 150, as well as a flock of sheep. He says it is second nature to count any stock when he sees them in a field!

He's lovely, so was his late wife Hazel. She used to teach all the local children to ride and was a stalwart of the village hall events.

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