Sunday, August 3, 2008

Frozen Yoghund and Pupcakes

We've been planning to have my third birthday party for a while at the park this evening, although it's difficult to post in view of all the sadness in DWB land. But ma didn't want to disappoint me, so I want to share some of the preparations. (Even though the vet arbitrarily assigned July 1 as my official barkday, mom can't help me on Wednesday, so we are having it tonight - yay!) I can't wait.This is the doggie pupcake mix, frosting and sprinkles. Mom mixed it up and I helped by licking the bowl.
Mmmm - looks and scents yumzers. (smells sort of like bran muffins.) Next job?
Doggie frozen yoghurt in my fave flavor - peanut butter and banana - deeeeeslish!
We put treat sized portions into plastic "slider" cups and voila - enough for lots of doggies!
Oh pleeeeaase give me a lick Ma!
Okay, pupcakes cooled, so now we can frost them - they look and smell so good - don't know if I can wait til 5!
This is how I helped with the frosting! Mmmmm slurp lick!
Hope all the doggies enjoy sharing pupcake and frozen yoghund with me tonight!

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