Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Toad, the Damselfly and the Owl

We were out walking with Harry when he gave a yell and crouched down, telling me excitedly about a baby toad he had spotted.. I could see nothing, but took his word (and better eyesight) for it. I pointed the camera and took half a dozen photos of what looked like grass and ivy...but he was right, there was a beautiful little toad hidden deep in the grass.

A Tiny Toad

Well done Harry!


I spotted the blue flash of a damselfly and ...

was delighted to find I had captured this photograph of a little beauty.

We were just turning for home when we spotted a large bird flying around the meadow...I couldn't make out what it was, but I could guess... point, click, hope for the best...

Barn Owl
Apologies for the poor quality, but there it is, a barn owl. Daylight hunting to feed her young. She was a very long way off, so I was thrilled to get this photo of her.
Now that is what I call a wonderful country walk.

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