Thursday, September 30, 2010

Surprise Encounter during Practice!

Note from Mama: These past couple of weeks seem to have been closing in and time has taken me away from poor Sam's blog. My apologies for not having visited more often - will try to get to Sam's great pals this weekend.
With that said, it's my turn to tell you that mom made a big boo-boo when she said that I had a real obedience trial next month. Actually, (thanks Ma) it's TOMORROW awwkkkkkwoof! So my friends and I have spent lots of time this week getting ready for this. I got up early yesterday morning and practiced exercises with my Corgi pal, Moritz, and goldie buddy, Shanti. We went through the open (for them) and novice routines for me. Later in the day, I met up with Sierra Rose as I was practicing once again. Here is a picture of our morning long "sits." I have to stay here without moving for one minute.

Here we are practicing our long "downs." I have to stay put without moving for 3 whole minutes.

Later in the day, I went to McInnis to work some more, where I ran into Sierra! Here's a little movie of my walk with Sierra that her mom took! Later in the day, after that great walk with my girlfriend, I found Ozzie outside. Sheesh! After all this time, she still won't play with me...
...but I've come to like her lots more...

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