Saturday, February 26, 2011

Momma here...

Hi Bloggie Pals...
As you must realize, our blog has suffered from neglect... mostly by the fault of our Momma who has been most busy doing things that cause much confusion. We defer to her cause we must...

Momma here: In the last couple of months or so, we've been incredibly neglectful of the girls' blog. There has been a lot going on. Let's start with the fact that hubby, Bill is retiring in September (whoo hah!). So, we have decided to move, dependent upon the fact that we can sell our current place. Thus, we have been sorting through 41 years of STUFF, which has taken up a lot of time (hee hee) and then packing up what we deem to be necessary for post-retirement life? Well... we've been trying. And then our son decided he needed to get married... yesterday afternoon. It was a glorious celebration and there was a lot of happiness and pals and so on, but a distraction for sure!!! (From the blog, that is... By the end of this week, we should be packed up and the painters should have been finished painting; carpeters finished installing...) We will be starting to post again in a couple of weeks and looking forward to checking out your blogs once again whoopee! Back to the puppers...

Okay so here is one photo of the happy bride and groom hip hip hooray!

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