Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Escape from the Heat!

Temps here on Saturday had soared into the mid-90s and we were due for the same Sunday, so we loaded up the Sammiemobile and headed for the coast. Our destination? Bodega Bay - about an hour's drive northwest - and where "The Birds" was filmed (see here for more info if you like.)

Once leaving 101, the countryside is bucolic - old chicken coops (Petaluma was once famous for it's chickens and eggs) and farms, pretty dairies and even newer spas and retreats.
We stopped in the actual town of Bodega, about 5 miles inland from Bodega Bay. Above lower right is Potter's Schoolhouse and right is St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church, both in the movie.
We were headed for Doran Beach, a Sonoma County park and beach. The air was fresh and cool - whew!!! What relief!
Oh yeah! Love the beach! Gotta show Av the nuts and bolts of waves and sand.
Don't have my kong today, but this stick is perfect!
Salty and fibrous - yeaaahhhh... most excellent!
Hey there - pull that harness up, girl!
Sakes! You're embarrassing me!

Okay, okay... maybe I just embarrassed myself! We have to leave now, but let's check out the camping scene before we go!
Wow! Look at these guys! They have got it going on! I would love to live in that house on the beach with that front yard full of doggehs! How cool was that?
It was time for lunch. I wasn't allowed. Bummer. So after Dad ordered some goodies, we took a walk to check out the place.
Bodega Bay is truly charming - a little fishing town really, but the tourists have found out all about it.
Look at these! We couldn't get any closer, but I sure thought they barked funny. I woofed back a proper woof, but they're apparently slow learners. It was time for lunch.

And Dad shared a bit with me (heheh!) and ohhhhhhhh.... yummalicious fishie with a chip or two. Mmmmmnnnnnn. Then we drove home... except it was still too hot.
Soooooo.... we motored down to Sausalito, as we knew the temps were cool by the water. Here, we got another amazing treat. Boy, Dad and Momzers were in a great mood! Me and Avalon got scrumptialicious Strawberry Frozen Yoghurt with Strawberry Sorbet Swirl in it. Oh. My. Dog. We licked and licked and Avalon finished first. Then she tried to steal mine. Just like a little sister, huh! But we even got lots of pats from humans, big and small as we strolled down the streets of this also-charming (and waaaay too touristy) town. What a cool day!

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