Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, or into the inky depths of The Devil's Urn. I've just been busy.
After the craft show at Homestead Hollow this weekend things should settle down a bit.
I was quite a bit more cranky than usual around tax time. On one particular no good, horrible, really bad day, I felt an overpowering urge to punch something. (I did in fact actually kick something, which is not really my usual style.)
But I stopped at the mailbox on my way into town, and my bad mood fizzled away.

Because I got a present.

Ah... Better than a Margarita. Perfect timing.
Thanks Tom! (That's a link to his blog The Art and Farm Report, which he doesn't update a lot, so you'll probably have to depend on El of Fast Grow the Weeds for the actual Farm Report part.) Click here for pictures of Tom's art at the Foley Gallery.

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