Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Visited by The Damned?

The graveyard is a wonderful mix of drunken tombstones, large monuments, iron railings, and long grass, it is one of the most peaceful that I have visited for quite a while.

Such a pretty village really deserves to have a beautiful old church, alas, this one has a church built of brick which dates from 1738. An earlier, much larger church had fallen into ruin by 1735, more is the pity.

Once a year St Andrew's Church hosts the Christmas Craft Market, always a great place to pick up a bargain.

And the title of this post - well that refers to my previous post about the recording studios. The Damned are among the many groups/singers who have recorded music there. I just wondered whether they had walked a few yards down the road and had a meander around the church yard.

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