Friday, October 31, 2014

Last Ride & Packing

Spent much of the morning packing up the car for the trip home. Also contacted folks un in Council Bluffs & Treynor over snow accumulation concerns. Weather and Facebook reports gave me the impression that I might have problems getting into the driveway when I get home.
Was able to get someone around Treynor to check the situation and were able to plaw open the drive. The price is worth the peace of mind - not having to try to shivel when I get home.
Took time for a 10 miles pavement ride this afternoon. Exploring new trails. Rode from Central Ave and the Rio Grange, up the I-40 trail to Unser Blvd. That was some climb.
Great to almost coast back down to the river. Stopped to take several photos. Photo above was taken while riding I-40 Trail back down from Coors Blvd to the Rio Grande. Was getting a little chilly when I got back to the car.
Shower and off for some snacks and dinner. Cousin Don called, verifying my plans. Time to do dishes, and then watch NCIS.

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