Sunday, December 14, 2014


Our small village has a tiny village hall. The Village Show brings everyone together and really draws out the hidden competitive spirit which lurks inside most of us.

Our entries were duly signed in and paid for, gossip exchanged with friends, other entries admired (and envied) and we returned home for a welcome cup of tea - only to discover that we had forgotten to take the onions! A quick dash back to the hall soon sorted that one out.

This was my entry for the floral arrangement incorporating fruit - sloe berries, physallis and some cherries.

This is my small floral arrangement.

and this is our box of mixed vegetables. I won't bore you with yet more entries - but we had 16 between us... I'll let you know how we get on after the judging. I have a kitchen which needs cleaning down now - I haven't done so much baking since Christmas!

OK, one final entry - this is my painted stone. I decided to turn it into an island with crashing waves, a lighthouse, and seagulls. I really enjoyed doing it - and George came up with a great suggestion for another one. Unfortunately I didn't have time to paint a second one but once things quieten down I'll do it.

Jonny has arrived in Shanghai - and so has his baggage! His adventure can really begin now.

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