Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ducks, Limericks & a Rattlesnake named Katie

Some of you may recall how my brain was completely taken over by the need to write limericks about ducks - last year. It was all Knatolee's fault. She began a World Wide Duck Limerick ran for exaggeration, but it felt like years. I must have written scores of limericks.

It got so that my brain made a limerick of everything I did, even at the most inappropriate and serious times my brain would suddenly come up with a limerick!

Time passed and I forgot all about the competition, lost my ability to write a limerick. (Thank goodness!) Back to normal. Then a while back I received the wonderful news that I had won the competition and a prize would be winging its way to me!

The other day I found a package awaiting me and this is what was inside - my prizes from Knatolee!

A beautiful hardback book, delightfully illustrated by Knatolee. Young Harry and I have read it twice already. It is set to become a firm favourite. Only one problem, Harry is not at all happy that we don't have rattlesnakes in Owl Wood.

There was also a lovely selection of handmade cards by Knatolee - featuring her ducklings and hens. All wonderful stuff.

Thank you Knatolee. It was fun and your book is stunning!

Check out her wonderful blog here.

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