Monday, May 30, 2016


The cats are enjoying rich pickings in the stubble field, working hard as per their contract!


Sparky having a yawnCats Nap in the Conservatory

In all fairness it was pouring with rain when I took the photographs, and they had both worked hard and notched up a few rodent kills.

The dogs snoozed the morning away too, but as soon as I suggested a walk in the field they perked up. I was thrilled to watch the way they enjoyed themselves, recapturing a little of their lost youth and enthusiasm for life - even Pip, who thinks that a stagger to her feeding bowl is quite enough exercise, thank you.

So, Jonny, all that worry last week when you asked me not to take Pip to the vets (to be put to sleep) before you left was unnecessary. She has perked up yet again and is still having a bit of fun now and then, so don't worry. She's fine.

Toby bounced around until I feared for his paws - he is half labrador, half whippet, and has the delicate little feet of a whippet, which get cut easily. Pip managed to get up to an impressive trot and for half a minute she was almost cantering - she is mainly terrier and has large, all-terrain paws.

It is so chilly that we lit the Rayburn at lunchtime, and now Toby is slumbering in front of it and food-motivated Pip is under the kitchen table.


I spent some time working on clearing out my pantrybut I daren't show you the other side of it until I have cleared and tidied it! I also started a sewing project, so the day was not entirely wasted.

George is the only one to have put in a decent day's work - he has painted the architrave of the kitchen/hall door, worked in the wood and the garden and oiled the idigbo front door, which now looks spectacular.

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