Monday, May 1, 2017

Didn't feel like it

Yesterday just seemed second-rate in so many ways. I'm guessing it's probably a function of the seemingly endless summer -- almost six months in and another three weeks (at least) to endure. I got up feeling lethargic, and decided to ride anyway. I'd been planning a ride in the Tweed Valley, but just didn't feel like it. I decided to head west and hopefully escape the coastal humidity. For once it didn't work.
Near Canungra I decided on a climb of Mt Tamborine, only to find the last kilometre of the road was closed for some construction work was started over six months ago. After that I decided to hell with trying to find anywhere else to ride. I had just had enough of the heat, enough of trying to find water every 40km, enough of dealing with Queensland's notoriously aggressive drivers. I just wanted out. I spent most of the afternoon surfing the Internet in front of a fan and wishing I could cool down somehow.
Some cycle-therapy on the commute today seems to have settled things down a little. Lane-splitting at 40km/h tends to do that. The ride home was an interesting one. In typical Chris L fasion it involved me having to detour to a surgery to have two stitches removed after an operation 10 days ago, then detour again to buy some groceries. Of course I walked into the store like a lycra-clad superman, and ended up being asked about various cycling clubs by an attendant who had just taken up road cycling. I did throw in a mention of Audax of course, but I think she was looking for something a little easier to start with. It's amazing who you meet when dressed like superman.

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