Thursday, September 20, 2007


I got up early this morning, obviously a little too early for Pip...

who was sleeping so deeply that I was able to photograph her asleep on the sofa and making herself very comfortable amongst the cushions.

The sun rose from behind the old railway track, Farmer T has begun baling the straw - from some places it looks like a straw bale version of Stonehenge - although about a third of the barley remains unharvested due to the rain.

I am not complaining, because compared to the States we are having it easy at the moment, but goodness have we had some thunder storms and rain today. All very dramatic, with great streaks of lightning and lots of thunder to scare Toby. The rain fell very suddenly, and so heavily that it was like stair-rods falling from the sky.

This was the view from the kitchen door just before one of the episodes. The amount of rain made it necessary for your Pa to drain the system at the back of the house - but don't worry - he has worked out why it couldn't cope and he's going to divert the overflows to the system you installed in the car park. No doubt he'll talk to you about it.

I picked lots of runner beans this morning, and spent some time cleaning and blanching them all ready for the freezer. Time consuming, but satisfying. Five bags so far, and lots left to pick.

The fruit farm on Rye Lane is advertising that it will be open for apple-picking in a few days so that will be one of the next jobs. One of these days your Dad will get the apple press out and we will try our hand at making cider.

We made several bottles of sloe gin, and for variety we also made blackcurrant gin - they'll be ready in time for giving out as gifts in December (don't worry, we'll save you one). They look so beautiful that I had to photograph them for you.

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