Friday, September 7, 2007

Thanks 'n a Tag

I want to belatedly thank Checkers ("I may be small but I'm definitely in charge") the Peekapoo ( for this rockin', sockin' pawsome badge award! It is creative and furry beautiful. Much gratitude and xoxoxoxo!
And my mom has been tagged by Samantha and June at!
The rules are:1. Mention and link back to the person who tagged you.2. List 6 little things that make you happy.3. Tag 6 other bloggers and let them know they're "it".
1. I love rock climbing soooo much! The mountains where I've climbed are beautiful... no... spectacular, often requiring hikes that take me through tranquil forests and refreshing lakes and streams. And the challenges of a rock's architecture are so numerous - no two routes are the same!
2. My family is pretty much an instant happymaker! I am extremely lucky! My mom, siblings and their families are all in the northeast, but our son and family are all out here, which is ashame, but we try to gather together at least two to three times annually.
3. I adore traveling. Another instant "happymaker!" Below is a picture taken at about 5 a.m. near Piana in Corsica. We are at Les Roches Rouges, which we knew would be gorgeous at or around sunrise.
4. And speaking/writing of sunrise, I really love an amazing sunset. I took this picture of the sun setting over the Rockies from Colorado Springs on our last evening there a couple of years ago. I just hit shot after shot of the amazing fireball of a show.
5. I love flowers if you didn't know that already hehe! All spring I took pictures of Sammie (poor girl) in a backround of profusions of blossoms!
6. And of course this is truly among the #ONE "little" things that makes me so furry, furry happy! Sammie - you make me experience such a broad range of emotions from love and laughter to tears and fears that I don't know what we've done without you all these years. We are so grateful that we are lucky enough to share what we call HOME with you! This has been a tough tag, as there are so many things I could write about, but there's a start! I know this is a cop-out, but this tag is really a valuable exercise. I urge all doggies to try this. So... I tag all my bloggie pals and look forward to hearing about the "little" things that make your pawrents happy! Huggers,Sammie

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