Sunday, October 28, 2007

Is This a Chain Letter?

Tagged by johnny sprocket. 5 things that people may not know about me?
1) Well, I love, love, love Jackass (and I think Johnny Knoxville is hhhhot!).

2) I don't believe in god, nor anything after this. I believe that there was a guy named Jesus and he was a good and generous person, but not a magical being and not a son of god. I grew up a strict Catholic, read the bible many times, went to Catholic schools, studied history in college and then decided I didn't believe in a God. This is it, so have as much fun as you can while you're here. I do believe that life is spiritual and magical.
3) I've seen over 100 (Grateful) Dead shows in my lifetime - and I've sat on the bed in Serenity Knolls (in the rehab joint) where Jerry Garcia died.
4) I can't stand the words, "panties", "morsel" and "mount". They make me feel the same way as fingernails on a chalkboard.
5) I'm politically pretty left. I love conspiracy theories and sometimes I even believe them. I'm a "libertarian socialist" as Noam Chomsky puts it (and he's one of my idols and I love Gore Vidal too).
Morgan once told me (figuratively) to stop wearing my aluminum foil hat when there was lightening out. This was after I told him that I thought the California clouds were being seeded by the Bush administration - when it was raining so much last year.

6) I used to grow the stink weed. I grew it and financed my last few years of college and bought a VW Karmen Ghia.
OK so onto 5 others....
Marscat, VG, Ippoc, Panda, and Flandria

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