Sunday, September 21, 2008


So, what did I do today? I rode the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad.
It was a beautiful day to take a railroad ride. The D&SNGRR provided some awesome scenery. The trip took basically the whole day (3 1/2 hours+ each way, lunch at Silverton). In Silverton, I had lunch at the Shady Lady Saloon - an original brothel/saloon.
Back at the motel, the laptop was busy processing some 300 photos I took today.
I was not sure about spending $71 and all day to ride the train. It was worth it. With the nice weather, I rode in an open gondola car. Seats facing out. Recommendation - if you can, reserve a corner seat in the gondola (1, 24, 25, 48). That give you easy access to the aisle (and the other side of the car).
Here, our train, powered by locomotive #482, negotiates the "High Line". That's the Animas River below.

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