Monday, September 22, 2008

Illston circular via Burton Overy, Little Stretton, Kings Norton

Led by me, with Maureen and Eddie. Very hot, good underfoot. Same as walk a week ago. About 8 miles.
The same route as last Thursday's walk, but without the unintentional strayings. I won't describe the route in detail here.
If you look at the photo above really really carefully, you may just see the waymarked yellow post among the leaves. This is at grid ref SP691984. To be fair the path is now clear on the ground, as the hay has been harvested. Last Thursday I was distracted by a wide opening in the hedge about 50 yards to the right!

After crossing the minor road close to a cattle grid, we cross a field with cows, and another piece of grassland, then join the minor road again as it goes downhill to Burton Overy. We've cut a corner off by footpath.

These cows had no intention of leaving the shade of the trees - wise beasts.

Burton Overy church lies to the west of the path
We walk through Burton Overy, noting that the Bell is open later. We find the path and take this as far as the footpath to Little Stretton. It's not very clear through the last cornfield.
Little Stretton Church was and is dependent on Kings Norton.
There is a bench in the sun, but in today's heat we decide to shelter in the porch for our break.
Then its through cornfields and pasture to Kings Norton, where we have a peep inside the church.

This is a photograph of an eighteenth century painting of the Fortrey family. William Fortrey was responsible for the rebuilding of Kings Norton Church between 1757 and 1775. For more about the village British History Onlinehas a page with loads of information.This monument was erected by William Fortreyin memory of his parents, William (d. 1722) and Anne (d. 1733).

More tagged cows, with Kings Norton Church on the horizon.
We make our way back past Illston Grange and its horses - who are all thirsty today.We drive by a slightly roundabout route to Burton Overy - a pint of iced lemonade!

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