Wednesday, July 3, 2013


"A poor drainage area is usually defined as an area where water will sit in puddles for several hours after a heavy rainfall."

When this picture was taken, it had not rained in 4 days.
As you might guess from the lovely cover crop of weeds and standing water, this is our garden spot.
Everywhere we went, my husband ogled piles of dirt. "Look at that dirt! That's good dirt. Where do you think they got that dirt?"
I feared he'd have a wreck and I'd be left tearfully explaining to police officers that dirt envy did him in.
When piles of really good dirt suddenly appeared at a neighbor's, it was the last straw. We screeched to a halt. An investigation was conducted. We obtained a telephone number.
And voila!

I'll never use the phrase dirt cheap again. Dirt is actually much more expensive than you'd think.

Stay tuned for part II, The Quest for Compost...

The ducks, who were very interested in the whole process.
Opening quote from Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.

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