Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pawty, Pawty!!!

Here was the invitation I passed around to everypup pal I know at McInnis Park. (Note from Mama: notice that the invite reads: "No pressies please..."). That's enough Ma.
(My pup pals have been asking for my blog address, so that is why it is on the invite!) The first thing Ma did was to put out all the party stuff, of course. Doggies were already there! We had non-toxic tiny containers of bubbles for all pups to take home after the fun. The humans had more fun with that activity. Then the guests began to show up. We passed everydog a hat - this pup wore her hat so stylishly that it never fell off, even when in serious playmode.
Chasing my new kong that I really like, if only other pups like Tully would stop herding me!
Love the bubbles! Provided great entertainment for some pups. Below, you can see how well Bear and Lucy (dachschund) get along! Lucy, 7 mos. old has absolutely no fear!
OKAY! It was time to get this party really started! Everypup and body sang a song and then... we all got food! I never had food like this before - it was scrumptious! I had the first bite and then it was a free-for-all.
We passed everypup's mom, dad or younger peeps some portions of yoghund and some pupcake and you can see how dogs stopped playing for a while and came to investigate the good scents!
The word got out quickly and dogs were eager for seconds - even thirds and maybe more! We had plenty.
This is Miki with my pup-pal, Tucker.

And here's a collage of the general feeling of the pawty. Humans seemed to have had as fun a time as we did - there were a lot of humorous things going on - doggies smiled and humans laughed too.
For an hour, us doggies played, ate and slurped up goodies and there was never even a scuffle.

Awwww - very cute! The older peep is going to start a dog blog!
I'm very tired, but had a pawsomely good time. It couldn't have been a happier event and the guests were very polite... well... a little disobedient regarding one thing:_________________________________________________________Remember that one phrase in my invitation? Many of you pups disregarded that, to add rosiness to my-already-reddish coat. But I want to graciously say huge thanks for the amazing pressies that came from you. If you are reading this and I've omitted anypup or made any boo-boos, please let me know and I'll correct. Mom and Dad also got me a Brick, about which I'll have to consult Dexter.
I have one more image before I try to practice my howling (see ). Khyra made a super suggestion in her comment yesterday, so before Mom lit the candle for my pupcake, we lit another one - for Laska: this one's for you when you come home. We hope to hear the good news imminently.

Pee Ess: I want to say huge thanks to Sierra Rose's mom for taking most of these pawsome photos - I wouldn't have had many pictures without Kristin!

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