Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Healey Nab, Chorley

Led by Mike. With Eddie, Gordon, Barry, Maureen and me. Excellent afternoon walk. Fine weather actually!5.4 miles. Around 580 feet of climbing.
We set off from Froom Street and cross the Leeds-Liverpool Canal. I've never seen it so far west before, but greet it like a long-lost friend all the same. A very quiet stretch of water this afternoon.

We have to cross the M61 - not quite so quiet. After a bit of road near new housing estates we turn off to our left coming close to a couple of ponds and then head gently uphill through Healey Wood.

When we get to the top, Eddie's a tad disappointed to find that the quarry he remembers is so overgrown that it's invisible. All the same he adds a ritual stone to the summit cairn.

I may be wrong, but Mike could be explaining where we're walking tomorrow! Or it could be Blackpool Tower!

View over Chorley, with Blackpool Tower in far distance - see below.

The cairn

We make our way down, across Heapey Fold Lane and east to meet Moor Road, past the end of Anglezarke Reservoir, which looks a bit low just here.

Just past the reservoir, we turn onto a track by Joan Meadow Wood, which takes us north then west to wards White Coppice.

Down from the heights - I nearly forgot - this is the magical cricket ground?

Froglet? Toadling?

White Coppice village

We skirt a village and outlying domestic animals - geese and goats.

Noisy critters

Not long until we reach the car and head back, hungry and ready to hit the local Wetherspoons for a meal along with Mike and Jan.

- ignore the long straight line at the end!

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