Sunday, July 6, 2014

Snow Big Deal

It's a Snow Day in Austin - just these few inches of large fluffy flakes have sent the town into a tizzy and sent me to the photo archives... snow makes me nostalgic and it triggers my record-keeping instincts.
This is what we called snow in Illinois! I liked shoveling smaller snowfalls, but it was tough clearing 20" from our drive and walk in January 1999
Then we moved to our first house in Texas where this February 25, .. sifting was also called snow
We might have missed the few inches that fell in the middle of the night on February 14, .. but a 2AM phone call took us out on the roads...slushy snow, steep hills and road surfaces built for warm weather combined to give us an exciting ride
In December .. a thin layer covered the drive, grass and car - enough to make Sleetman a hit on Twitter!
Look fast and you might think you're looking at snow... look close and you'll see it was the destructive March 25, .. hail - resulting in billions over $160 Million dollars in damage (and a new roof for Annie & Philo).
Can the 16th largest city in the US can handle today's snowfall without too many problems? I sure hope so - want to enjoy these decorative February flakes without guilt

Here are 14 seconds of the fountain in the snow - listen for the birds!

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