Avalon had to go to the V-E-T today. After we played at McInnis Park with the grandkids, Avalon sneezed about 100 times and coughed like she was gonna upchuck or something. Momma was quite alarmed and we all packed up and went over to Dr. Bill. He wanted her to stay there until he could really give her the once-over. I told her not to get anxious - that Dr. B. was totally cool in all ways. We went on about our day, but Momma was watchin' the phone.
Finally... around 4:30, we found out that Avalon had "inhaled" some vegetative matters (plants that grow above ground) up her right nostril and it had made her nose interiors very raw and also her tonsils, poor pupper. We piled into the Sammiemobile and raced over to get her. This is the vet tech, Vickie with Ava.
She looked okay - Mom gave her oodles of hugs and loves...
She was all over the cookie that Vickie had for her!
We are supposed to keep her quiet (ha ha ha) for a week or so, but that isn't working out too well. To get the "vegitative matter" out, Dr. Bill used a saline solution. Avalon's poor eyes and right side (of her face) are very tender. We wish she would sleep, but she would really like to get outside and play, making noises to indicate this.
Avalon is very good at making faces that elicit sympathy!
Here's Avalon with a smile that displays her resilience! Hopefully, with her Benadryl-like medicine, she'll be better totally soon! Friends all: CAREFUL of all "vegetative matters" and especially foxtails that are out there in force!!!
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