Monday, June 25, 2012

Visitors From the East

The week of awesome bike riding weather continues. Little chill in the morning, but rising to the 70s with sunshine and very light wind. Could stay like this for a while.

Kept the cell phone handy today as I was expecting a call from high school buddy and his wife - traveling thorough the area. They called just as I was about the head out on my bike ride. They expected to be in Council Bluffs in a little over 1.5 hours.

Perfect for my ride - Wabash Trace Trailhead to and around Lake Manawa, and back to the trailhead. I was NOT happy to see that it was gonna be another ride with my heart in A-Fib. Drank a little extra water and headed out on my ride.

Great ride. Racked and locked the bike onto the car and headed over to Village Inn at I-80 & Madison Ave. Don't you know - a detour. Delayed me a couple minutes. My visitors arrived at the restaurant a little before I did. My cell was ringing about the same time I saw a Wisconsin vehicle near me in the lot.

Had a nice visit and lunch with Theo & Pete Knigge. The were driving into Nebraska to attend the Wisconsin-Nebraska football game. Great to see you today!

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