Friday, June 22, 2012

Oregon Weather in Texas

Talk about a difference a day makes! On Oct. 14, the high was 87; Oct. 15, the high was 86; today started out at 58 and it is now 60 degrees F. at 1:30 p.m. The difference? Oregon weather has stalled out over Texas. Yep, that's right folks, south Texas is gray, gloomy, rainy, and chilly. I feel right at home. LOL.

This morning, I had follow-up for my lab tests and results of my bone density test and mammogram. Lab tests showed my LDL (bad) cholesterol dropped from 141 to 115 and my cholesterol dropped from 207 to 184. Really good! All our healthy eating is paying off.

The bone density test is normal. The mammogram, however, apparently needs to be re-done on the left as there is a 1.8 cm "focal asymmetry;" right is normal. Does focal asymmetry mean they didn't focus correctly? Don't know. Guess I'll find out.

After the doctor's office visit, I met Bob for an Indian cuisine lunch which was yummy, but I would have liked mine a little spicier. After lunch, I shopped at Costco, then headed back to the 5er.

You would not have wanted to be my cats when I returned home. The African violet plant that Bob bought for me a few months ago, which was finally starting to grow well with numerous new leaves, had been chewed almost to the dirt. Three leaves remain. A heap of leaves and dirt were sitting on the counter. Grrrrrr! I'll see if I can save it. That's an awful lot of trauma for the plant. Anybody want a couple of cats? Just kidding.

Box with a Bow-ie

Sunnie the Sunshine Cat.

In a few minutes I'm off to Planet Fitness to work out with weights. Walking is not enough...I'd like to develop additional muscle to burn fat more efficiently. I'm waiting for my lunch to digest a bit more before I go.

The new birdseed I purchased at Wild Birds Unlimited is doing the trick at keeping away the squirrels, just like the sales lady said it would. Since I have bought this different seed, the squirrels have not come near the feeder, but the doves and cardinals are loving it. Good purchase.

Tonight on TV I'll be watching Survivor and CSI. Survivor has been excellent so far this season.

Feels like I'm going to have to turn on the heat, it's rather chilly in here. Indoor thermometer says 64 degrees.

Happy Hump Day. Travel Bug out.

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